Kanwar Grewal, born in Village Mehma Sawai of District Bathinda in Punjab at Sardar Beant Singh and Manjit Kaur’s home, has started learning music when he was in fourth class. He learned basics of music from Vijay Kumar Sachdeva. Kanwar Grewal got his graduation done with music subjects from SBS college Kotkapura and M.A. (Music vocal) in 2006 from Punjabi University Patiala.He also rendered his services as a background music producer from year 2006 to 2012 after his Post Graduation. He stepped into professional singing with his soulful song “MAAF KARIN RABBA” being promoted on Chandigarh Doordarshan. After that he released his song “AKHAAN” on Social sites, which was highly appreciated by each generation. After that his performance at Nakodar Mela established him as a sufi singer.